Sunday, October 24, 2010


So, it's been a rough couple of weeks in our house. It's awfully hard to be thankful in the rough times for all that we've been given. So, since it's the start of a fresh new week, I'm going to list a few things that I'm have made me smile this week.

1*Taking the kids to Despicable Me and listening to them giggle at the funny parts
2*Hearing how much fun the kids had picking apples from the neighbors tree
3*Taking all the kids to pick out Halloween costumes and watching them give a runway show for us and Grandpa and Teresa
4*Having a husband that cleans up kid vomit at 2 am with me (the wretching coming from him was making me laugh at that ungodly hour!!!!)
5*Listening to Brooklyn sing to herself a made up potty song while she tinkles
6*The happy smile Kaden has on his face every morning when he wakes up, comes to my doorway, waves his little hand and says "Hi Mom"
7*The return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte to Starbucks and the friend from out of town that I got to visit with while sipping it
8*Watching Brooklyn go through a bag of hand me downs like it was Christmas
9*Listening to Jackson auction off and ISU Pendant at the Scarecrow auction
10*Smelling the heaters warm up when I turned them on today because I couldn't stand the cold one second longer!!!!

What's made you happy this last week???? Hope everyone smiles lots and feels the warmth and love of family and friends this week!!!

1 comment:

  1. It made me smile to read your thankfulness and know you are an Amazing Lady that I get to call my niece =) Hugs & Love! A. Susie
