So, it's been a rough couple of weeks in our house. It's awfully hard to be thankful in the rough times for all that we've been given. So, since it's the start of a fresh new week, I'm going to list a few things that I'm have made me smile this week.
1*Taking the kids to Despicable Me and listening to them giggle at the funny parts
2*Hearing how much fun the kids had picking apples from the neighbors tree
3*Taking all the kids to pick out Halloween costumes and watching them give a runway show for us and Grandpa and Teresa
4*Having a husband that cleans up kid vomit at 2 am with me (the wretching coming from him was making me laugh at that ungodly hour!!!!)
5*Listening to Brooklyn sing to herself a made up potty song while she tinkles
6*The happy smile Kaden has on his face every morning when he wakes up, comes to my doorway, waves his little hand and says "Hi Mom"
7*The return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte to Starbucks and the friend from out of town that I got to visit with while sipping it
8*Watching Brooklyn go through a bag of hand me downs like it was Christmas
9*Listening to Jackson auction off and ISU Pendant at the Scarecrow auction
10*Smelling the heaters warm up when I turned them on today because I couldn't stand the cold one second longer!!!!
What's made you happy this last week???? Hope everyone smiles lots and feels the warmth and love of family and friends this week!!!
My summer in pictures.
9 years ago
It made me smile to read your thankfulness and know you are an Amazing Lady that I get to call my niece =) Hugs & Love! A. Susie